Wednesday 24 August 2016

Olympic Artwork!

This Term, some fantastic artwork was created in response to the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. Students used a range of conventions to suit their level exploring different techniques and processes of Visual Art practices. Here are some of the students fabulous work!

 Silhouettes of athletes. Grade 5/6.
 Olympic rings with figures. Group work by 3/4.
Mark making using colours of the Olympic Rings. Prep/ 1.

These artwork are on display in our Arts Centre hallway, Term 3 2016.

Friday 6 May 2016

Japanese Notans - Looking at positive and negative space

This Term, Grade 3 and 4 students have been introduced to positive and negative space. To foster their learning and understanding of this technique, students designed a "Notan" (pictured below).

These artworks originated in Japan and have been created for many years. Our students were given a black, square piece of paper and cut their own shapes out from each side. They were then flipped over and glued down onto a bright piece of paper (the negative space). The results showed some original and effective designs.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

New School - New Art and Music adventures!

This year I have been very fortunate to take on a new role as Visual Arts and Music/ Performing Arts Teacher at Monbulk Primary School! I enjoyed Term One, getting to know the wonderful students and staff. I feel very welcome here and I can't wait to share the adventures, learning experiences, Art works and performances the students and I will be getting up to this year!

Most recently, the whole school traveled to the Melbourne Arts Center to watch the staged production of "The 52 Storey Treehouse" based on the children's book written by Andy Griffths and Terry Denton.

 It was so amazing to see the happy, smiling faces of enjoyment of our students during and after the performance! The experience was definitely one to remember and I am so glad the children have been given this opportunity to engage in the Performing Arts. Thank you to The First Call Fund @ The Melbourne Arts Centre!!

There are many artworks being created in our Art room, with new learning, exploring and making happening this term. I will update you all soon on the the wonderful creations made in Term One!!